
XBOX not booting EvoX dashboard

I've recently had a problem with XBOX not booting the EvoX dashboard after installing it, even though it worked on the same machine before. It took some time to figure it out, so I thought I'd share it with you.

The problem was probably due to the old homebrew BIOS. In a nutshell: it needed xboxdash.xbe instead of evoxdash.xbe in the root of drive C.
It seems like the new installer CDs don't use the xboxdash.xbe filename anymore.

Now it may be a bit tricky to replace the file, I did the following:
1) boot AID 4.1 Deluxe DVD
2) install EvoX dash (or another, I had the same problem with all of them)
3) turn Xbox off & on (this is where you were stuck at, Xbox won't boot the new dash)
4) boot the new dashboard through AID DVD.. Advanced Options / Boot dashboards / Boot C Drive Dash
5) set up your network in EvoX, save settings, log on with FTP
6) download /C/evoxdash.xbe, rename to xboxdash.xbe, and reupload to /C/
7) reboot Xbox


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